Sacred Ceremony, Rites of Passage and Women's Circles

I have felt the calling to hold space for sacred ceremony for the local community for a long time. Initially trained in shamanic yoga in Peru, I have held space for many sacred healing circles over the years and am always blown away by the power of the circle to reconnect us to our inner most being, to our hearts and to each other. To be seen and witnessed on a deep level, to have our inner light recognised and reflected back at us, and to be accepted for who we are no matter where we are at in our journey, I believe, is key to the deeper meaning that we all collectively seek in our lives.
I now offer two types of circle. The first is a women's fire circle open to all women in our local community, held seasonally, to celebrate and align ourselves with nature's transitions.
The second are bespoke, rite of passage ceremonies, created for the inner circle (close family and friends) of a woman on a threshold between two phases of her life. These range from first moon circles for young women experiencing their first bleed, to mama initiations and bridal blessings, to menopause circles.